Atlantic Med
Atlantic Trading COVID-19 Response
Here at Atlantic, we get things done for you.
With an excellent track record supplying medical and surgical supplies at federal, state, and local levels despite pandemic challenges, Atlantic continues to focus on helping to combat the Covid-19 public health threat. Our AtlanticMed focuses on curated medical devices and responsive customer service experience to improve product accessibility and healthcare outcomes, to make life better for our customers. With in-depth knowledge and networks to navigate the complex medical device production and sourcing process, Atlantic partners with the most capable manufacturers as their authorized distributor to secure stable supplies at scale while ensuring quality – including carefully curated Made-In-USA products. We are here to deliver products to you quickly, with the best quality. We understand the importance of integrity and trust, and we are committed to deliver on our promise.
Atlantic Strives to bring better products and a better customer experience to market so that you can focus on what matters to you. We operate on three fundamental principles: Access, Distribution, Commitment. Our access gives us significant advantages when sourcing scarce products. Our logistics partnerships and distribution networks across the globe enable us to get products to your location quickly and efficiently. Our commitment stands to deliver only the best supplies, and we provide due diligence to ensure that products are exactly as stated and fully regulatory compliant.
A Women-Owned Business (WBENC-certified), Atlantic Trading LLC is a premier supplier of high-quality regulatory-compliant Medical/Surgical Supplies (including PPE), having highly specialized sourcing and logistics capabilities. Atlantic offers robust product volumes that meet both the public and private sector’s needs with quality, speed and strict compliance, and we are capable and committed to provide the best quality products in the shortest timeframe. With a successful proven track record, Atlantic continues on to ensure secure industry access, ready mobilization, and agile distribution of healthcare supplies are available to our customers at all times. (See the DoD Press Release that highlights one of our recent work supporting the Presidential Initiative of 500 Million At-Home Test Kits combating the Covid-19 pandemic: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2894582/dod-awards-contracts-to-purchase-covid-19-antigen-over-the-counter-test-kits-in/).
As well included in our strengths are high specialization in global procurement (with an added highlight in Made-In-America products), distribution for both the governmental and the commercial sectors, sustainability footprint, product innovation, advanced data analytics and methodology to bring the best quality products to market. We are authorized distributor of the world’s largest and most capable manufacturers, and respond in real time to market challenges with ready production and logistics capability that ensures order fulfillment. Our global team members are prepared to deliver based on deep industry expertise and passion for helping those in need.
We are honored to partner with you to help meet your organizational, institutional and business needs.